Monday, 29 December 2014

Arissa is full of character..

Rasa mcm dah lame sangat x cite pasal arissa.. arini arissa dah 2 thn 11 bulan.. mmg cepat betul masa berlalu.. sampai kekadang ibu x perasan arissa dah big girl.. banyak menda baru yang arissa dah belajar.. she is no longer a baby.. and I can no longer treat her like a baby.. sbb at her age now.. mmg dy dah xsuke cuddling kissing sume tu.. but I still want to kiss & hug her.. setiap hari balik kerja mmg akan buat mcmtu.. jadikan satu benda wajib utk arissa.. so she treats it as a must thing to do.. if not ibu merajuk.. the magic happen when dy pun rasa dy wajib peluk cium ibu so that ibu x merajuk.. which I find it sangat2 cute..

Memang banyak progress arissa.. I am not a mother who notices every single things their kids do.. I am not all about progress.. progress.. progress.. and stress bile anak x mencapai progress yang sepatutnya.. I let her do her own thing.. biar dy cube apa yang dy rasa dy perlu cuba.. I don't want to mold her to be what I want her to be.. I want her to choose ape yang dy suke nak buat.. I can only tells her "do's" and "don'ts".. dan hanya berdoa berdoa dan berdoa.. InsyaAllah..

Sekarang rasa arissa ni mmg dah bole buat BFF.. dy banyak cakap.. banyak bebel.. arissa cakap langsung x pelat.. dy mcm boleh faham perasaan org.. kalau layan borak mmg best sbb kalau bercakap mmg sekali dengan face expression.. kelakar.. kuat kacau papa.. BFF papa sangat.. she likes bossing around her papa.. papa is her play "buddy".. they have a lot in common.. kalau ikutkan papa dy conservative.. mmg protective sgt.. lebih banyak don'ts dari do's.. ibu ni plak "manja" buddy.. nak manja nak cuddling nak tido cari ibu.. .. arissa selalu x tau nak pilih nak geng ibu ke nak geng papa.. kekadang sian dy.. kalau susah sgt nak pilih dy akan wat kelakar.. so ibu n papa lupa..

Arissa ni mmg girly.. suka pink.. suka elsa.. suke princess.. kebanyakan orang suka anak perempuan dy tomboy.. tapi pada ibu.. arissa kan girl.. biarlah dy suka "girl thing.. I like her being girly.. cute..

Arissa ni nenek punya "guardian angel".. sangat care pasal nenek.. pantang nenek hilang mesti tanya mana nenek.. she loves her nenek.. she is a lover.. sayang sume orang sekeliling dy.. adik soleh, uncle hafiz.. sayang sangat.. xpernah selfish dengan adik soleh.. sume barang dy nak kasi adik soleh pakai.. xkedekut.. thats why nenek langsung xbole tgk orang lain buli arissa.. siap mengamuk dengan cucu nekpah n nekpati sbb arissa.. mmg sweetheart nenek..

and I know.. ramai orang sayang arissa.. she is a loveable kid.. orang nampak bole cepat sayang arissa.. nenek2 especially.. sweetheart nek nah.. sweetheart uncle hafiz.. sweetheart nenek raub.. Alhamdulillah ramai orang sygkan arissa..

Arissa is full of character.. a truly bundle of joy..

Innocent look of arissa.. my heart melts

my solehah


strike a pose

it shows how manja she is dengan papa

mmg nampak mcm dah big girl sgt dalam pic ni

eating ice cream.. mmg fav arissa

dengan bos papa.. suke betul dy dengan arissa

like a boss.. kekadang arissa mmg bossy..


Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Jeju.. aku terpaksa datang...

It was one after another.. kerja kerja kerja.. Nak buat macam mane.. kite ni cari rezeki halal untuk anak.. when they asked you to go somewhere.. yes of course you have the right to say no.. but.. after so many time being a NO MAN.. lelame org pun naik jelak jugak.. sebab tu laa after I turned down Amsterdam.. I had no choice but to say YES to JEJU.. maka jadi laaa JEJU aku terpakse datang..

Hanya dua hari (after tiring week in Langkawi) diperuntukkan utk aku unpacked & repacked... 2 full day jugak untuk buat laundry and chores.. owh aku patut rebut gelaran SUPERWOMEN itu.. bengkak kaki masa langkawi pun x reda lagi.. terpakse jugak redah KLIA 2.. haaa kenapa KLIA 2? ni sume sbb perasaan fobia dengan MAS punya pasal smpi sngggup naik AirAsia (which until now I regret).. dengan perasaan berat hati aku tinggalkan bumi Malaysia.. demi kerja ye.. demi kerja..

to get into JEJU you have to go through 4 airports: KLIA2 to INCHEON to GIMPO to JEJU.. what a tiring day! smpi je hotel.. terus rebah badan dekat katil.. nasib aku n kekawan bijak.. amik hotel best.. so nak positive kan diri.. anggaplah jeju sebagai vacation.. nasib pegi conference je.. bukan training.. so mmg bole honeymoon kat cni.. hehe.. ok meh belanja gamba..

T-shirt yang sangat cute untuk mia..

mmg makan seafood jelaa

dekat Gimpo Airport

Kensington Hotel - cantik n selesa tapi mahal.. mampu duduk sebab SEDA yang bayor.. hehe. Kensington hotel juga sangat strategic.. sebab dekat dengan kebanyakan museum & attraction di jeju.. semua within walking distance je..

toilet yang bersih n best utk berendam..

at ICC Jeju.. tempat conference

with IBM clan.. best dorang ni.. peramah sgt

traditional market

Jusangjeolli Cliff - cantik jugak dekat je dengan ICC.. admission fee KRW 2000

geng geng SEDA

mamat SEDA yang semangat nak ngorat awek jeju.. tapi orang2 jeju ni baik2 n peramah.. macik suke.. hehe

xtau laa ape fungsi batu ni.. men amik je pic

Banana Milk.. minuman popular jeju.. sedap.. must try

at cheonjeyeon waterfall - pun ada admission fee dalam KRW 2500


at Alive museum pun ada admission fee dalam KRW 9000

Jeju mmg banyak statue2 x senonoh camni.. haha
patung harubang yang sgt popular di jeju.. dorang percaya patung ni yang jage pulau tu..
Pengalaman selama 4 hari di Jeju boleh laa dikatakan menarik jugak.. tapi aku x sempat nak berjalan sangat sbb lebih banyak habiskan masa dekat conference..

Semasa di Jeju jugak aku dikejutkan dengan berita dari Malaysia.. Mak aku masuk hospital disebabkan serangan jantung.. Ya Allah.. hanya Dia yang tahu perasaan aku time tu.. aku sepatutnya ada lagi sehari utk join technical tour.. tapi aku terpakse lupakan semua n bekejar ker airport untuk balik Malaysia.. xbanyak yang boleh aku cerita.. tapi Alhamdulillah mak aku dah semakin ok..

Kalau orang tanya mcmana Jeju? ni jawapan aku.. BOLEHLAAAA... hehehe

Langkawi for Power Week

19-23 October.. annual power week of FiT Division was organised and the location was at the Westin Hotel, Langkawi.. I was assigned to be the secretariat for the so called "event of the year" for FiT Division.. after tons & tons of work.. why me? I assumed my bos just can't get enough of me.. haih i have no choice but to nail it.. to start from scratch.. from hotel & flight booking to ehemmmmm i think everything.. lucky me to have a cool team to help up with all the prep.. and it turned up great.. n based on feedbacks from my collegues.. everyone seemed to have fun.. Alhamdulillah..

Since I was basically the heart of the event, I was given the opportunity to bring my hubby n mia along with me.. Ya I know they didn't enjoy 100% of my existance.. but I would say it was more like a short vacay for us.. Mia seemed to have a lot of fun.. she enjoyed the mystical view of langkawi and of course the pool.. but poor my hubby.. terpakse took care of my baby alone while I was busy with meetings and BOSSES! Thanks hubby.. you are my SUPERHERO!

Ok la.. the photo session!

Westin Hotels

the bathroom

the tab - arissa's fav

Dinner @ Fish Farm, Langkawi

The team

My arissa

all ready for splash splash
team building

OMG.. fight3x

coffee break
Sayonara Langkawi

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Shifting to suburb..

Kami pilih 27 Sept 2014 bersamaan dengan 2 Zulhijjah untuk memulakan hidup baru (eceehh).. berpindah dari kota KL yang mmg laa the best ke sebuah bandar kecil di Pajam N.9.. hehe.. x sangka laa jadi org pajam ye.. Rasanya investment yang kami buat 2 thn lepas Alhamdulillah berbaloi.. perasaan seronok & bersyukur tipu laa kalau xde.. utk pertama kali dapat merasa duduk di rumah hasil titik peluh kederat me & hubby (mcmlaa keje kat bendang)..

Pengalaman hari pertama tido rumah baru.. ok.. nyaman rasanya.. Alhamdulillah xde pulak gangguan2 yang tidak diingini.. arissa dan baby choleh pun nyenyak tido malam tu..

Mcmane pindah kampung?? hmm mmg laaa rindu gile dengan dua bijik bangunan KLCC tu kan.. tapi oklaa.. so far aku bole adapt.. yang paling best xpayah laa aku bergegas ari2 nak kejar seminit utk x stuck dalam traffic jam.. mak pun cakap bilik aku kemas n bersih je (gambaran banyak masa berkemas sebelum pg koje.. hehe)..

Keadaan rumah? selesa laa untuk kami yang tinggal 4 orang.. (aku, hubby, arissa & nenek).. bahagian fav aku kat rumah tu.. mestilaa dapur.. kemain rajin memasak skrg ni.. kire meja tu rajin betul aku lap.. Almaklumlaa "meja baruu".. harap semangat rajin berkemas kekal selamanya..

Mak ok x? hmmm bab mak ni mmg susah sket.. mak xberapa happy sgt sebab dy homesick almaklumlaa mak kan mmg uptown girl sjk dari zaman remajanya.. tapi so far oklaa.. aku kene pandai jaga emosi mak.. we all pun dah decide utk  balik umah mak every weekend.. aku suke je sbb bole laa mengintai KLCC.. org kate nampak bumbung KLCC pun jadilaa.. hehe.. utk 2thn ni aku dapat bayangkan yang aku akan tua atas jalan raya.. Pajam-KL-KL-Pajam - apedehal..

Bole melihat mereka dari kejauhan..

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Saat aku terlalu mengejar DUNIAWI..

Ya Allah.. pagi ini hati aku sayu.. pagi ini hati aku sedih.. dan pagi ini aku terpanggil untuk membuka blog untuk bercerita soal sedih.. Tapi bile aku cube untuk cari ayat untuk mengadu kat blog ini.. aku terpanggil untuk membaca sebuah nukilan dari seorang sahabatku.. ringkas je tajuknya.. tapi ntah kenapa.. aku rasa mcm nak baca.. bile aku baca.. MasyaAllah.. sungguh cantik bahasanya.. sungguh indah nukilannya..dan sangat2 buat aku terasa.. this is what I need.. This is what I have gone through all this while.. This is what I have been so upset for for the past few weeks..

Pagi tadi aku ada whatsap sahabat ku itu.. minta kebenaran untuk "quote" salah satu paragraph yang begitu dekat dengan hati aku.. ceritanya:

" I was one of the them. I mean yang mengejar duniawi. In fact dulu berlumba2 nak benda yang bukan lah boleh dibawa di 'dunia' sana. Topik ni memang dekat di hati aku. Okla Ustazah Yasmin beri contoh refer to Surah Hadid tu. Bila kita belajar pandai2, kita inginkan orang memandang dan menyanjung kita. Kita suka orang puji. Ok siapa tak suka pujian kan? Tipu lah kalau orang tu benci pujian. We are human okayyy. Then, kita belajar pandai2, berlumba2 nak self promote diri masuk college and post college (Uni), sampai la kita self promote diri masa nak minta kerja, interview wutsoeva. Kemudian bila dah kahwin dan ada anak, kita akan berlumba2 dan bermegah rumah siapa paling cantik. Hiasan rumah siapa paling cantik. Anak2 pula digunakan, belajar dekat mana, kerjaya apa. Ye semua itu duniawi. Akhirnya bila kita mati, hanya ada 2 jalan yang Allah akan beri. Satu adalah jalan kemurkaan Allah dan satu lagi jalan ke arah keredhaan Allah. Mana satukah kita? Can refer terjemahan surah yang aku sebut tadi"..

Mmg betul.. aku adalah tergolong dalam golongan yang diceritakan ini.. mmg betul aku terlalu dambakan pujian orang.. mmg betul aku suka bile org comment dah like post2 aku dalam FB.. dan memang betul aku terlalu open & outspoken sampai kekadang aku xsedar perbuatanku tu bukan membawa kebahagian malah lebih membuat aku dimusuhi, dicemburui & disalaherti.. smpi satu masa I became so overwhelmed & went into meltdown..semuanya gara2 aku terlalu mengejar duniawi..

Ya Allah aku manusia bengkok! aku perlu bimbingan dan panduanmu.. aku mahu jadi lebih baik.. Permudahkanlah urusanku Ya Allah..

Mungkin ada baiknya aku share the whole post.. mana tahu bole bawa manfaat pada semua yang membaca..

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Heart Breaking..

My heart breaks.. when I read all emotional thoughts on MH370,
I shed my tears when I see beautiful palestinian girl crying..
I cry when I look at the picture of those on MH17..

How I wish the world could be a better place..


Tuesday, 8 July 2014

The sweetest girl..

What a beautiful morning.. Arissa is as wonderful as ever.. but today she brought me into tears.. it's a happy, proud and over exaggerate tears.. I feel so overwhelmed.. I was carried away with Arissa's new behavior.. no drama.. no crying, no begging & no tears today (different from what she always behave everytime she kisses us goodbye before we go off to work).. but today she's the sweetest girl of all.. only hugs, hand shake & kisses goodbye.. Owh no.. my heart melts.. I am transfixed! My baby girl is all grown up! Sorry ibu being so over exaggerated.. but seriously you brought me into tears this morning baby girl.. Silly mummy.. :)

Sunday, 6 July 2014

All of me..

All of me loves all of you..

 "All Of Me"

[Verse 1:]

What would I do without your smart mouth?

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright


My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind


'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, ohoh

[Verse 2:]

How many times do I have to tell you

Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downfall, you're my muse

My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you


My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind


'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, ohoh


Give me all of you

Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts

Risking it all, though it's hard


'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you
I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, ohoh

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Day 3,4 & 5: Spectacular Sydney

Ok.. sampai post yang ke-4 ni.. mcm dah xlarat nak menulis pasal Sydney dah.. so to cut it short.. I think picture tells a thousand stories.. hehee..

Day 3: Blue Mountains, Leura Town & Featherdale Wildlife Park

Leura Town - Perkampungan kecil Sydney.. Cantik sangat

Leura Town Post Office - sangat Authentic

The Three Sisters - Blue Mountains

Lincoln's Rock - Blue Mountains (the view MasyaAllah cantik..)

Blue Mountains National Park

at look out points - blue mountain (verangan...)

Kangaroo time - kalau pg Aussie xsah kalau xde pic tgh feed si kangaroo kan.. hehe

Bergambar dengan si pemalas

Arissa takut.. tapi koala ni mmg tdo je.. xngaco pun..

Day 4: Shopping Trip (Birkinhead, DFO Homebush, Paddys) - mmg di sini tidak banyak gambo yang di snap.. pepaham jelaa.. keterujaan melampau.. haha..

Paddys - Shopping Sourvenir

Mmg xlengkap kalau xrembat Correlle kat Aussie.. Murah & Berbaloi2.. hampir pengsan di sini - @ Birkinhead

Arissa dapat hajat di hati..
Antara hasil tangkapan
 Day 5: Grand Pacific Drive & La Perouse

Fefeeling love is in the air atas cliff - credit pic by KoalaBelang

Look at the scenary.. MasyaAllah

Bercinta time Arissa tido - credit pic by KoalaBelang

Ni dah macam poskad ari raya - credit pic by KoalaBelang

nofilter - credit pic by KoalaBelang

credit pic by KoalaBelang

My daddy's girl - credit pic by KoalaBelang

We conclude our trip @ La Perouse for sunset experience.. MasyaAllah we feel blessed!

My hero! mcm hero k-pop x.. haha

Till we meet again Sydney

P/s: sebenarnye banyak lagi pic yang mahu dikongsi.. tapi xpelaa biarlaa jadi simpanan peribadi.. oklaa this will be the last post on my vacay to Sydney.. Yup we had soo much fun.. Sydney was so nice to us.. You will definately be missed!