Sunday 24 June 2012

Happy Birthday Nenek

Today is my mom's 64th birthday.. Happy birthday mom.. you mean the world to me.. Thanks for taking care of me & my baby.. you are the best mom in the whole wide world! I love you mom..

Mia loves nenek so much!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

My baby girl

After 35 weeks of being pregnant, finally I gave birth to a baby girl on January 16th 2012. She is beautiful and adorable. We decided to name her Arissa Damia. Holding her for the first time in my arms is something that no one can describe. The feeling was surreal. It was like love at the 1st sight. I instantly feel connected to her. And as far as I can tell, I love this little girl so very much.

From that moment on, I knew my life would never be the same and I was right. I have changed a lot. Only now I know being a new mom is tough. You've probably heard that all new-born baby does is only eat, poop, cry, and sleep. Sounds simple, right? But it was not. Trust me. It was a little overwhelming at first but as time goes by, you’ll get used to it.

Arissa Damia is a very active & healthy baby. She loves to play with her daddy. She will laugh at my husband’s funny expressions. She will raise her arms whenever she wants him to pick her up. She will scream to get everybody’s attention. She can be funny sometime and her super-soft skin makes hugging and touching all those chubby body parts so much more pleasant.

Every moment I spend with her is so precious. I am so happy to see her grows healthily. She is 5 month old now. And I am so happy to hear everyone says she looks very much like me. Some of my friends even call her “honey junior”. I feel great! I am so excited to see her grows up & we can be best friends!

I love my baby girl so much. There isn’t one thing in this world I will not do for her. I will kiss her every day and wipe her tears whenever she cries. I will help her get dressed, teach her to do chores, and feed her healthy foods. I will protect her and fight for her and give up my life for her. That is what mom’s do right.

She means the world to me & my husband. She is our strength and we love her unconditionally. I hope she will turns up to be an awesome person when she grows up. 

Mummy's bestfriend

Daddy's sweetheart

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Quick update..

Arissa Damia 1st achievement.. dah pandai meniarap pada tarikh 5/6/2012.. Ibu & papa are so proud of you darling..