Sunday, 23 December 2012

Partay Prep makes ibu goes crazy..

Diam x diam Arissa dah 11 month-old.. in less than 1 month my lil Arissa will turn 1.. wah so cepat.. I can still feel her 1st kicked when she was in my womb, the day I hold her for the 1st time.. the day when she made everyone woke up with panda eyes sbb she got colic.. the 1st day when she throw out her 1st solid food.. and now.. she's a happy one year old baby to be! how time flies.. I am so gonna miss my BABY ARISSA.. kadang2 bole x geram nk ckp kat arissa.. can you please slow down a lil bit baby.. u are growing so fast! setiap hari ade je benda baru yg arissa buat and trust me! sume benda yang arissa buat tu sume nyeeee cute.. even mase dy cry2 pun ibu geram rse nak geget!

Okay laa.. now let us talk about Arissa's 1st birthday party preparation. Yes I am the most excited mummy when it comes to Arissa's birthday preparation.. mcm2 dlm wish list and I hope I can cope well with all the prep.. Oklaa let's see what's inside ibu's mind map.. 


  1. Umai Cafe, lake side Putrajaya - Nice place.. but quite far from our home, most of the family members are not familiar with Putrajaya and the chances for them to get lost is high & maybe it is too hot for Arissa..
  2. McDonalds - but we are boikoting MCD
  3. Nenek's house - Arissa's fav place - I think Arissa's felt save & comfy here.. easier for Arissa and the family members.. but the house is quite small and tents are essential to accomodate all the guest..

So I choose No.3 for nenek's house..


  1. Laksa Johor
  2. Roti jala
  3. Kuih muih 
  4. Nasi goreng hailam Nenek Om Style - all time fav!

Haa yang ni ibu punya wish list laa ni ( even papa x bape agree sgt).. so cute laa ade candy buffet.. sape x caye cube tgh ni..

Cute kan? hehe.. so ibu dah order dah dengan merisik gallery.. I hope it turns out nice!


pretty PINK & WHITE!


  1. Ice cream cake from Baskin Robins
  2. Cupcakes from wondermilk
  3. Custom made cake from GDM or Merisik Gallery
So hard to decide on this one..


  1. Family members, 
  2. Ibu's friends
  3. Papa's friends
  4. Neighbours


Merisik Gallery


Simple2 jelaa.. xmo laaa princess like gown.. nant dy sure x selesa & akan spoil her mood.. so ibu rse yang simple2 je utk arissa..


Ibu & papa to provide - SERAM!

Secara keseluruhannya mmg birthday party prep utk arissa ni buat ibu goes crazy! Haih mcm nk sambut menantu pun ade.. HAHAHAHA.. ke ibu arissa yang over kan?? hehe.. oklaa doakan yang terbaik k.. hope everything turns out great & everyone will have fun.. AMIN..


Monday, 3 December 2012

It's Us

My life wouldn't be so great & exciting without this Man! He's my perfect match! Thank you Allah..

Standing still.. until Jannah.. InsyaAllah